awesome art


A while ago now my partner and I set off on a derelict adventure.

Running your own business means there is often only the smallest of opportunity for creativity, as a lot of the time is hustle and admin. But one clear Sunday we packed our bags, flask, camera, hats, snacks! and set off to North Yorkshire.

I had already planned the places I wanted to visit courtesy of Google, and Richard methodically plotted each destination for maximum coverage and speed.

There were some false starts ( the website I had used was quite old so some of the ‘derelict’ buildings had new shiny built on top), there was lots of driving and much screeching to a halt if either of us spotted a gem that wasn’t on ‘the route’.

All in, it was a beautiful fun day, and I got some really fab shots I’m happy with, and will use in the future.

Here’s a peek!


Hello and Happy New Year! Hope you all had a peaceful Christmas and rested well.

It’s January and with that come all the pressures of a new year - new you! I have started the year writing a ‘done’ list rather than a ‘to do’, this allows me to feel satisfied with what I’ve achieved and accomplished throughout 2018 rather than filling me with dread about what needs to be done in 2019. That said, there is always the promise of new adventures, new treasures to be found and more wonderful connections to be made.

Speaking of connections, last week I visited my fabric supplier, a company in Cheshire where I get all my designs printed. I email these guys regularly and rarely get to see them so it was great to put faces to names and re-connect.

The afternoon started with a catch up and discussion about new developments, costings and problem solving. Mum came along too to meet everyone, we enjoyed a cup of tea and a brainstorm.

We then had a tour around the factory, I got to see the machines where my designs are printed, the cutting room, the sewing department (where each item is machine sewn by hand!) It was a really inspiring afternoon and was great to get involved and really see how and where my products are made.


I had a chat with the daughter of the business about environmental issues and how the company are doing all they can at the time to reduce impact. There was water recycling from the dying process, cardboard and fabric core recycling, along with the fact that everything is done under one roof, reducing the need for transporting the goods by van, ship, plane. They even carry heavy rolls of fabric across the car park by hand each day!

Below you can view some photos of the day, if you have any questions about the process or anything else to do with how your wonderful goods are designed and produced then please do get in touch.



Here is no.1 of a monthly feature called Art_scape. An arty escape for 5 mins to soak creativity up into your eye balls.

I regularly use Pinterest as a source of inspiration and collection, those of you aware of it will know of it's absorbing power. Those not, here is it's strap line - "Pinterest helps you discover and do what you love. Find recipes, style inspiration, projects for your home and other ideas to try. " 

It also allows creatives access to unlimited visual feasting, hours of procrastination and heart wrenching urges to get paints out and just play. 

This month my focus will be to introduce more colour into my life. Over the last few years I have been drawn to muted tones and this has had a strong impact on my designs. They are subtle, understated and beautiful and don't ask for attention.

(Don't tell everyone), but of late I'm enjoying a quiet revival, I have been looking at gathering colour and how to use it, here's what I found;
