new home décor


Here is no.1 of a monthly feature called Art_scape. An arty escape for 5 mins to soak creativity up into your eye balls.

I regularly use Pinterest as a source of inspiration and collection, those of you aware of it will know of it's absorbing power. Those not, here is it's strap line - "Pinterest helps you discover and do what you love. Find recipes, style inspiration, projects for your home and other ideas to try. " 

It also allows creatives access to unlimited visual feasting, hours of procrastination and heart wrenching urges to get paints out and just play. 

This month my focus will be to introduce more colour into my life. Over the last few years I have been drawn to muted tones and this has had a strong impact on my designs. They are subtle, understated and beautiful and don't ask for attention.

(Don't tell everyone), but of late I'm enjoying a quiet revival, I have been looking at gathering colour and how to use it, here's what I found;


PULSE London

Can't believe it's a whole 4 weeks nearly since we exhibited at PULSE London. It was our 2nd year on the bounce and was once again a great show. 


We hired a van to get all the products and stand props down from Yorkshire to the big smoke, set off early Saturday morning and arrived in time for a quick lunch and a speedy set up. Now when I say speedy, it was our quickest time of 5 hours! it usually takes a little longer, but the more times you exhibit at a show, the quicker it gets, especially if you plan and prep before hand. 

I opted for a similar set up to last year as the designs are quite similar, it's the product that has developed. So I had a feature shelf for the NEW greetings cards with captions, and we featured the kitchen ware in it's own area, making a stand out show of the tea towels in particular!

Overall the footfall seemed down from 2017, but the number of visitors to our stand was great, and the orders we received were healthy. Many buyers tend to go away and come back, sometimes even a year later! Product wise, our kitchenware was very well received, along with art prints and cushions.

Olympia was filled with enormous talent, every year the designer makers get better and I'm so inspired by this wonderful community and so happy to be part of it :) My favourites included the following;

These guys had their brands on point! The completeness of the stand, their strong visual identity, and a classic, timeless product :)